Food Waste Management-Systems

Food Waste

With the implementation of the revised Marpol 73/78 Annex V regulations ship’s are obliged to comminute food waste before discharge into the sea is allowed within certain areas. Food waste grinders or macerators are used to physically reduce food scrap to particle sizes below 25 millimetre for proper dispersion with seawater.

Fresh water is used to convey the waste or slurry through vessel’s drain system and /or overboard. Most common installed are gravitational drain system, although ships with high waste volumes prefer vacuum operated systems, due to much lower water consumption and slurry volume generated.

Requirements regarding food waste management according to Marpol Annex V

The regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships, clarified in the MARPOL Annex V, was revised and entered into force on January 1st, 2013. This Annex applies to all ships. The main changes in the revised MARPOL Annex V regarding discharge of food waste are as follows:

Discharge for comminuted or ground food waste is allowed for distances

Greater than three (3) nautical miles from nearest land outside special areas.

Discharge for food waste (not comminuted) is allowed for distances greater than twelve (12) nautical miles from nearest land outside special areas.

Discharge for comminuted or ground food waste is allowed for distances greater than twelve (12) nautical miles from nearest land inside special areas.

Those “special areas” are – according to MARPOL rules – most European waters such as Baltic Sea, North Sea or Mediterranean Sea. The comminuted or ground food waste has to be able to pass through a screen with openings not larger than 25 mm.
To fulfill this requirement, the installation of a food waste grinder will be necessary.

More information

If you are interested please contact us for more information.