Why we do what we do

Delitek provides durable, high-quality onboard waste handling systems for the maritime industry, helping protect oceans and streamline waste management.

Fit-for-purpose processing machinery

Our purpose is the prevention of pollution by garbage from vessels into our oceans. Our goal is to assist maritime and offshore operators with fit-for-purpose processing machinery aligned with SDG goal 14.: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

Efficient Waste Processing

We contribute our know-how and design principles via efficient waste processing equipment and volume reduction and storage machinery. These are critical for marine and offshore assets as space and resources are limited.

By reducing volumes of waste streams, we enable operators to maximise available space, improve onboard safety and foster a healthy working environment. We know that our user-friendly design, simple controls, robust construction and seamless integration of equipment reduces lifting, increases satisfaction, eliminates littering and as a consequence prevents pollution of our oceans by unwanted spillages.