Delitek NL, delivered another Offshore Certified Waste Container
A tailor made high specification Offshore waste container was delivered to customer for installation on offshore structure. The waste container is certified to DNV 2.7-1:2006 and EN 12079-1:2006 and was built from scratch within 6 weeks.

Due to the location and harsh conditions the container has special anti-corrosive coating to ISO 12944 C5M specification, insulation and ventilation. In addition, due to the purpose and operating area, an anti-spillage floor including sump reservoir and flange were included.
Inside of the waste container storage, space for dry and liquid waste was created via a system of wheeled waste containers, also in stainless steel, in line with requirement for waste fraction segregation as per MARPOL 73/78 Annex V.
Wheeled containers have the advantage of easy conveying of the waste to the point of offloading on deck. For safe offloading to platform supply vessel and reception facilities reinforced Big Bags were delivered with the container.